Note-Please Attempt problem from your own first.Otherwise click on the link question to get the solution.
Chapter 2 problem [C](b)
Any integer is input through the keyboard. Write a program to
Chapter 2 solutions problem[C](c)
Any year is input through the keyboard. Write a program to determine whether the year is a leap year or not.(Hint: Use the % (modulus) operator
Chapter 2 problem[C](d)
According to the Gregorian calendar, it was Monday on the date 01/01/1900. If any year is input through the keyboard write a program to find out what is the day on 1st January of this year.
Chapter 2 Problem [C][g]
Write a program to check whether a triangle is valid or not,
Chapter 2 Problem [C][i]
Given the length and breadth of a rectangle, write a program to find whether the area of the rectangle is greater than its
Chapter 2 Problem [C][j]
Given three points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3), write a
Chapter 2 Problem [C][k]
Given the coordinates (x, y) of a center of a circle and it’s radius,
Chapter 2 problem[C][l]
Given a point (x, y), write a program to find out if it lies on the
Chapter 2 Problem [F][b]
Any character is entered through the keyboard, write a
Chapter 2 problem [F][c]
An Insurance company follows following rules to calculate premium.
Chapter 2 solutions Problem[F][d]
Question-A certain grade of steel is graded according to the following conditions:
Chapter 2 Problem [F][e]
A library charges a fine for every book returned late. For first 5 days the fine is 50 paise, for 6-10 days fine is one rupee and above 10 days fine is 5 rupees. If you return the book after 30 days your membership will be cancelled. Write a program to accept the number of days the member is late to return the book and display the fine or the appropriate message.
Chapter 2 Problem [F][f]
If the three sides of a triangle are entered through the keyboard, write a program to check whether the triangle is valid or not. The triangle is valid if the sum of two sides is greater than the largest of the three sides.
Chapter 2 Problem [F][h]
In a company, worker efficiency is determined on the basis of the time required for a worker to complete a particular job. If the time taken by the worker is between 2 – 3 hours, then the worker is said to be highly efficient. If the time required by the worker is between 3 – 4 hours, then the worker is ordered to improve speed. If the time taken is between 4 – 5 hours, the worker is given training to improve his speed, and if the time taken by the worker is more than 5 hours, then the worker has to leave the company. If the time taken by the worker is input through the keyboard, find the efficiency of the worker.
Chapter 2 Problem [F][g]
If the three sides of a triangle are entered through the
Chapter 2 Problem [F][i]
A university has the following rules for a student to qualify
Chapter 2 Problem [F][j]
The policy followed by a company to process customer orders
Chapter 2 solutions Problem [J][c]
Write a program to find the greatest of the three numbers
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